It is said that both Vivian Leigh and Shirley Temple were suggested for the title role, but
Selznick was adamant in his choice of Jennifer Jones. The film is shot entirely in black and white,
except that the tidal wave is shown in eerie green and the final portrait at the museum in
shades of blue.
The movie received dreadful reviews at the time and failed to draw audiences. Some
considered it Jones' worst film ever. Now it is considered one of her finest. "Portrait of
Jennie" won an Oscar for special effects and was nominated for best black and white cinematography.
At the Venice Film Festival, Joseph Cotton was named Best Actor and Willliam Dieterle, the
Director, was nominated for a Golden Lion Award. Artistry at so many levels makes this
a rare experience.
Take yourself back to 1948, when David O. Selznick produced a romantic gem called "Portrait of Jennie".
Joseph Cotton and Jennifer Jones appeared together for the fourth and last time in this
evocative film, along with Lillian Gish and Ethel Barrymore. Debussy's music fills some
of the score, conducted by Dimitri Tiomkin, who also wrote additional lyrics. The paintings
of JMW Turner come frequently to mind with the lush cinematography.
I think of the film as a chiaroscuro love poem.
c.Corinne Whitaker 2005
Sam Dawson raised his daughter until she was seven years old, when his custody was challenged
because of his mental retardation. There have been mixed reviews of "I Am Sam": some found
it overly sentimental. On the contrary, if you simply watch the mesmerizing performance of
Sean Penn as the father I suspect you will be astounded at the depth of his portrayal.
Michelle Pfeiffer plays the high-powered attorney who takes Dawson's case pro bono in order
to prove something about herself to her co-workers: Pfeiffer's performance is a bit brittle
and tends to the simplistic. Richard Schiff and Dianne Wiest have supporting roles, but it
is Sean Penn's movie throughout. Penn received a well-deserved Academy Award nomination
for his performance. It reminds me of Dustin Hoffman's powerful acting in "Rain Man". If you
can allow the film a little leeway, you will be amply rewarded by Sean Penn's remarkable work.