Other places to find Whitaker's work on the Internet
Fabbaloo Whitaker California State Senate Contemporary Art Collection Whitaker "Once Upon a Didgeridoo" Whitaker Wynken, Blynken and Oz Whitaker D'Art 2020 Whitaker Ripples Exhibit Whitaker Online Book Club Whitaker Monterey Muse Whitaker "To Know the Rose" Whitaker Anne and Mark's Art Party Whitaker Shapeways Blog Whitaker The Quasi's Quasi Archive of Digital Art Whitaker Digital Artist Corinne Whitaker Whitaker The Other Woman Whitaker Simon Fraser University Whitaker Monterey County Now Whitaker Monterey County Herald, weekend edition Whitaker Evening Elegance at New York Fashion Week Elegance 28th Annual International Digital Art and Symposium Whitaker "Stretching Art" Whitaker Computer Arts Society 2023 - Whitaker's "Watching Tomorrow Grow" whitaker Cybersculpture 2024 whitaker "Mundo Paralelo", International Virtual Exhibition whitaker Computer Arts Society Exhibition 2023 whitaker "The Vanishing Human", Leonardo Press, 2000 human "Unreal" exhibition catalog, Gallerium Arts, 2023 whitaker Archive of Digital Art whitaker Unreal 2023, Gallerium Art Whitaker CViV 16 and iV16 Digital Art Gallery 2016 - 2017, 10th Doctoral Research Workshop Information Visualisation whitaker Portraits 2023, Gallerium Art Whitaker Portraits 2023 Catalog catalog Corinne Whitaker on Pioneering in Digital Art in America - Podcast podcast "AI Creative Writing Anthology" Anthology Instagram Interview Whitaker "For Good Measure" - Whitaker Interview Measure "Talking to a Living Legend" legend EuroArt 3D at Universita de Timisora, Romania EuroArt "Girl With the Golden Veins" Golden HMVC Gallery New York after December 7, 2022 Whitaker note: click on Exhhibitions HMVC Gallery New York Virtual Exhibition, November 7 - December 7, 2022 Whitaker Monterey Herald Hot Picks August 18, 2022 Whitaker Corinne Whitaker Boldly Goes... Goes "Bully Bully Bang Bang" Critical Review BullyBullyBangBang Corinne Whitaker's Artistic Juices... whitaker Whitaker on D'Art 2022, Vienna, Austria and online whitaker "Lady of the Flies" Whitaker Whitaker in Observica Magazine "Impulse 2022" Whitaker Artistonish Magazine, Issue #21, April, 2022 whitaker Whitaker at Biafarin Art whitaker Corinne Whitaker: Digital Mindscapes at the Monterey Museum of Art whitaker Whitaker Digital Giraffe at Ars Mathematica giraffe and digitalgiraffe Whitaker on Amazon Author Central author Archive of Digital Art whitaker Whitaker on Academia whitaker Krepildockerschpe digitalgiraffe Whitaker on i Music Whitaker 3D Print Paris Fair, 2021 Paris !Brazen Hussy, SIGGRAPH, 2021 hussy "If We Are Erased: A Catalog of Imaginary Creatures" Whitaker D-Art 2021 whitaker, the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Interview with Ensemble for these Times (E4TT) Whitaker Whitaker at Virtual Gallery Whitaker Digital Power: Activism, Advocacy, and the Influence of Women Online Whitaker !Brazen Hussy, ACM SIGGRAPH Art Show Archives Whitaker Online Book Club Review of "Bully Bully Bang Bang" review Magazine of Contemporary Art magazine D-ART 2020, 24th International Symposium Digital Art, Vienna, Austria and Melbourne, Autralia whitaker IssueWire - Krepildockerschpe Whitaker Interview, 2020, Ensemble for These Times Ensemble Whitaker at the Paul Mahder Gallery whitaker The Toy Box toybox Art Offer - Corinne Whitaker Gallery Whitaker Your Digital Wall wall "No More War" review war "Bully Bully Bang Bang" Whitaker Ars Mathematica sculpture exhibition online catalog ars "The Artist as a Vessel for Universal Soundscapes" whitaker The Interface: Computers, 3-D Modeling, and Women Sculptors sculptors "Failure" failure Virtual Gallery.com Whitaker International Sculpture Center Member Showcase Whitaker "Wanting" Whitaker CGIV 16 Morocco and iV2016 and cgiv2016 Digital Art Gallery online Whitaker PacRim Sculptors Whitaker Digitalia digitalia Matador Review whitaker\ Whitaker at SIGGRAPH 1998 Whitaker "A Simple Truth", Barnes and Noble Whitaker D Art 2016 whitaker "Dispatches From the Future" future Flickr - Proposed New Yorker magazine cover Whitaker "Age of Anxiety" Anxiety "To Know the Rose": Whitaker's Post-Human Creations whitaker Shapeways Interview Whitaker "Women Artists of the American West" Whitaker (no longer online, but the book is available on amazon) 3D Print (Scroll down the page) Whitaker Whitaker on You Tube Whitaker "No Rules", Peninsula Museum of Art, Burlingame, CA. Whitaker If We Are Erased erased Women in the 3D Printing Industry Whitaker Women Artists of the American West Whitaker Paul Mahder Gallery whitaker "A Bear of a Man" Whitaker "Plucking Chickens" whitaker Anne and Mark's Art Party Whitaker Corinne Whitaker on Behance Whitaker Exhibiting Artists - iV2016-20th International Conference Information Visualization. Lisbon, Portugal artists Excel-Cast Gallery gallery "A Post-Human 3D Piece of Art" posthuman D-Art CGiV15 Whitaker Journal of Comparative Media Arts Media Maker 3D Printing whitaker If We Are Erased Erased Exposure Awards awards Acrylic Sculpture whitaker Factory Art Now online CorinneWhitaker MCAD MCAD Art Sculptures sculptures Ars Mathematica Whitaker MCAD: Beyond the Buzz buzz Ars Mathematica 2016 (Scroll down to Mary Visser's talk) whitaker "Behind the Product" Whitaker Sandra Lee Gallery gallery How Can I Face a Child Today? culture Painting with Pixels pixels Adlibris Whitaker No Rules Whitaker Wool Gathering Whitaker the Rise of the Virtual Sculptor virtual International Contemporary Artists artists Sculptor-Finder whitaker What Things May Come: 3D Printing in the Fine Arts and Sciences arsmathematica Koehnline Museum "Gendering Desire" exhibit Koehnline (No longer online) DArt 2014 Whitaker Wikimedia Commons Whitaker Momentum: Women, Art, Technology momentum Virtual Gallery virtualgallery Sculpture Community sculpturecommunity Whitaker's 3D Sculptures giraffe Digital Artist Corinne Whitaker Boldly Goes... Whitaker "Dark", Arc Gallery and Studios dark Wellesley College Whitaker "No More War" Whitaker PR Log prlog Powell's City of Books Whitaker The Rise of the Virtual Sculptor virtualsculptor Whitaker on Wikiwand wikiwand Womanmade Gallery Whitaker ARC Gallery, "Chaos" Whitaker eiNet einet "No More War" on Do-Arting.org doarting Stanford University Library Whitaker Shapeways Blog Whitaker Opentrolley Online Bookstore Whitaker Ylem News Whitaker Authorview Whitaker Alibris Whitgaker Feedspot feedspot "Sanctuaries in Time", WCA 2011 Exhibition WCA Fabbaloo Whitaker People Pill Whitaker Ylem 42nd Ammiversary Whitaker Black Pearl fabrication art(click on marketing, then click on sculpture) The Future Imagined: What's Next future LACMA Donation "No Rules", Peninsula Museum of Art Whitaker Hooked, "Krepildockerschpe" Whitaker Google Books Whitaker Nurture Art Whitaker Alignable Whitaker Who's Afraid of Ornament (scroll right to "Voices") Whitaker Wikipedia Whitaker Perspectives: The Interface: Computers, 3-D Modeling, and Women Sculptors Whitaker Pictify http://pictify.com/user/dgiraffe Ars Mathematica 2011 http://www.arsmathematica.org/is2011/ Ars Mathematica 2011 Program http://www.arsmathematica.org/is2011/IS2011-DEPLIANT-PROGRAMME.pdf Behance Network http://www.behance.net/gallery/Plucking-Chickens-by-Corinne-Whitaker/1785150 Featured Artist, ASCI magazine, November, 2011 http://www.asci.org/artikel1195.html D-ART 2011 http://www.ursyn.com/20111/Corinne.html Serendipity magazine (flip pages forward to page 9) http://www.yudu.com/item/details/362073/Serendipity-Magazine---Art-and-Technology Wooloo http://www.wooloo.org/giraffe. Whitaker's work work on TripWow http://tripwow.tripadvisor.com/tripwow/ta-0237-adde-6a2c?lb U.S. Artists Biennial http://usartsbiennial.com/2010/03/corinne-whitaker/ NY Arts Magazine http://www.nyartsmagazine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=575368:corinne-whitaker&catid=410:w&Itemid=866 Featured Artist http://www.art-school.com/featured-artists/corinne-whitaker-digital-painter/ ARTslant San Francisco http://www.artslant.com/global/artists/show/28650-corinne-whitaker ARTslant los angeles http://www.artslant.com/la/artists/show/28650-corinne-whitaker?tab=ART+WORKS Intersculpt 2009 http://www.arsmathematica.org/is2009/index.html#photos Active Worlds Virtual Sculpture Park DAAP Download Active Worlds Browser (free) and teleport to six cyber sculptures at these coordinates: 1.25s, 269w, 135 Featured Member, National Women's Caucus for Art http://www.nationalwca.org/ Art Offer http://www.artoffer.com/corinne.whitaker Whitaker on the Saatchi Gallery online http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/saleroom/index.php?artist_name=Whitaker&x=24&y=18 "Burn Baby Burn", Libri Blurb Italia Whitaker Noupe (scroll down) Whitaker Futuresonic 2008 http://www.digitalshow.co.uk/gallery/displayimage.php?album=25&pos=5 Digital Art Online Gallery http://www.graphicslink.co.uk/DART/D-ART%202008/web/artists/corinne.html Scribd (note: search by name) http://www.scribd.com My Art Space http://www.myartspace.com/artistInfo.do?populatinglist=home&subscriberid=x5635qs639wgw151 South Bay Area Women's Caucus for Art sbawca Whitaker on the Ylem Gallery http://www.ylem.org/Gallery/WHITAKER.html Artists' Space http://www.afonline.artistsspace.org/ The Rise of the Virtual Sculptor http://www.noupe.com/showcases/the-rise-of-the-virtual-sculptor.html Ohio Online Visual Art Registry http://www.columbuslibrary.org/cmlarts/artistdisplay.cfm?artistid=385&searchlist=W&searchindex=N&searchtype=B&original_type=NB&hits=45 Digital Long Island - Featured Artist http://www.stacarts.org/digital Sculpture Dot Net http://www.sculpture.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/245/sort/1/cat/502/page/1 Pif magazine online http://www.pifmagazine.com/SID/727/ Whitaker on AOL http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/image_home.jsp (Just type in Corinne Whitaker) "Burn,Baby, Burn" Whitaker ActiveWorld Virtual Sculpture Park http://www.activeworlds.com Whitaker in NASA's Art Collection http://www.hq.nasa.gov/copernica/cadb/indexW.htm Scribd scribd Online Bookclub Whitaker Cafe http://www.callforentry.org/images.php ASCI Featured Artist http://www.asci.org/index2.php?artikel=660 San Francisco area artists http://sf.getvendors.com/SFBay-artists/2006/01/corinne-whitaker-digital-giraffe.html Museum of Computer Art http://moca.virtual.museum/donnie2005/gallery/image153.htm "Is The Art World Ready for Computer-Generated Art?" http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0HMU/is_12_27/ai_73393259 Palo Alto Online http://www.paloaltoonline.com/weekly/story.php?story_id=376 International Cybersculpture Conference http://www.pimkey.com/~interscu//is2001/dsc2001/whitaker.htm Computer Sculpture Artists http://www.intersculpt.pimkey.com/artistes/frame.htm Computers, 3D Modeling, and Women Sculptors http://www.southwestern.edu/academics/bwp/visser/women3.htm Ars Mathematica http://www.arsmathematica.org/is_99/dsc99/whitaker.jpg Cybersculpture Gallery http://impression3d.free.fr/cybersculpteurs.htm NASA's Art Collection http://www.hq.nasa.gov/copernica/cadb/indexW.htm A Tribute from Singapore (click on biography) http://amas.cz3.nus.edu.sg/art/ "Digital Artist Boldly Goes Where Few Artists Have Gone..." http://www.montereycountyweekly.com/archives/2000/2000-Apr-20/5153/1/@@index ArtLexis (look under Rendered Images) http://www.artlexis.com Austin Museum of Digital Art http://www.amoda.org/artists/artist.php?ArtistID=59 The New York Public Library Whitaker Ninth Annual New York Digital Salon (no long online) http://www.sva.edu/salon/ninth/9_print.htm Women's Caucus for Art http://www2.sasquatch.com/~mbwca/corinne.html(no longer online) Electronic Publishing http://ep.pennnet.com/Gallery/ep/corinne-whitaker3.cfm Art Business http://www.artbusiness.com/1open/052109.html Intersculpture '99 - 1st International Digital Sculpture Competition http://www.intersculpt.pimkey.com/is_99/dsc99/whitaker.jpg Digital Arts Group, under Digital Fine Artists http://www.digitalartsgroup.com/Gallery_Frame.html NOW Internet/TV Interviews a Giraffe (article and video - look under Film and Art, Eye Contact, Archives) http://www.now.com Women Sculptors and the Computer("Perspectives") http://www.sculpture.org/documents/webspec/visser/women.htm Carmel Art Festival (Founder and Curator,Sculpture Withindoors - no longer online) Arte Utile (under sculpture, or do a name search) http://www.arteutile.net Pixel2Editions (click on Gallery) http://www.pixel2editions.com/home.html San Bernardino County Museum, California Whitaker Digital Art Museum http://www.digitalartmuseum.com/june/whitaker artFUTURE (look under "Digital Painting" and "Digital Sculpture") http://http://www.artfuture.com Find Me An Artist (look under galleried artists, both sculpture and computer art) http://www.findmeanartist.com Artisan Bazaar (look under Sculpture) http://artisanbazaar.com Woman Artists Archive http://libweb.sonoma.edu/special/waa Australian International Art Competition http://www.artdept.org.au/contest99/digital/WhitakerCorinne.htm International Sculpture Center (search for Whitaker under Portfolio) http://www.sculpture.org Coast Weekly Newspaper Interview(Search in the archives under Arts and Theater for April 20,2000 using key words Digital Giraffe) http://www/coastweekly.com Digital Arts Group http://www.digitalartsgroup.com/Artist_Pages/CorrineWhitaker.htm 3D Hybrid http://3dhybrid2008.wordpress.com/2008/03/22/digital-sculpture/ P O D Lexis http://www.podgallery.com/index.cfm/hurl/imageid=7265/action=showimage Ohio Visual Arts Registry http://www.ohioonlinearts.org Monterey Bay Artists Equity Studio Tour http://artists-equity.org/carmel.html Montery Bay Women's Caucus for Art http://www.sasquatch.com/~mbwca/corinne.html SIGGRAPH '98 http://www.siggraph.org/artdesign/gallery/S98/index SIGGRAPH '94 http://www.siggraph.org/artdesign/gallery/S94/Show/2D&3D/LargeHTML/CorinneWhitaker.html yoU aRe elLe at Atelier Nord (historic material now discontinued) http://www.anart.no/atel/proj/ Whitaker State of the Arts http://www.soarts.com World's Women Online (no longer online) http://wwol.is.asu.edu/whitaker.html/ The State of Art http://www.monterey.edu/events/dls/2000/panel/ Gaussian Space http://www.moondance.org/1998/autumn98/poetry/gaussian.html Moondance http://www.moondance.org/1998/autumn98/poetry/fivemore.html From Finland: Van Gogh, Monet, and Whitaker http://http://www.rehn.info/art.htm "The Impact of Ylem" ylem "Black and White Images", Los Angeles, California, Women's Building, 1986 blackandwhite http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.womansbuilding.org/wb/thumbnails/disc0009/ot091024.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.womansbuilding.org/wb/searchresults.php%3Fkeyword%3D%26offset%3D82&h=64&w=96&sz=4&hl=en&start=16&um=1&tbnid=A8omFCLV5zbhPM:&tbnh=54&tbnw=81&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCorinne%2BWhitaker%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DG(no longer online)
Last updated February 1, 2024 - 30 years of monthly Web publication
Corinne Whitaker - Artist, Editor, Author, Poet, Sculptor, Publisher, Composer, Betaphysician, Chief of the Newanderthal Tribe Best of Foster City 2016
Best of Palo Alto 2013
Golden Web Award, 2001 and 2000
Artist of the Month, Artisan Bazaar, 2000
Best in Cyberart Award, 1999
winner of BATech's "Catch of the Day"
winner of Fractal Design's "Artist of the Month"and "Image of the Day"
Featured Master Artist, Shadowart Galleries, 1997 and 1998
Exhibit below from Virtual Gallery online Guest Artist of the Month, Hampton Click Salon Online