

Each month we publish a newsletter listing the contents of the current giraffe.com with links to each section. The newsletter is sent to a select group who have asked to be included. If you would like to receive it the day of publication, simply email me at giraffe@giraffe.com. For those of you who do not get the newsletter immediately, here is a copy. Note: Any product or link that I recommend is here because I have personally found it to be helpful. I receive no recompense of any kind, but I suspect you already knew that.

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February 1, 2025

To the Friends of Giraffe:

Our "Shenanigans of the Inanigans" issue.

We have added new treats to giraffe.com this month. On the front page, "Hoppin' with the Hobgoblins", an AI rogue's gallery of sheroes and heroes. Then scroll down to see the Evening Elegance featured at New York Fashion Week. 3D Print News will now include plant-based alternatives to animal food products. And eMusings opens with "Cat on a Hot Tin Trampoline", a bit of fun using text-to-video.

Our cover image this month is titled "Possessions" - What exactly do we own? Vehicles, plants, animals? According to Facebook, women can now be called "household objects or property".

Our Electronic Quill article this month is titled "Shenanigans of the Inanigans". Nature is mad. People are mad. Why aren't more of us mad at the way we treat each other, at how we have exhausted the planet that we bequeath to our children? As I write this newsletter, an intruder has broken into a home in our residential community, stabbing a woman almost to death. The police had him barricaded in the home, yet he managed to escape.


Our section called "Other Voices" includes eMusings, yNot, Site of the Month, !Brazen Hussy, and Just Desserts.


eMusings: AI is now an international phenomenon that has brought some benefits accompanied by a tsunami of greed. Here are a few of the better comments:

Let's start with a bit of fun. Watch (briefly) "Cat on a Hot Tin Trampoline"; use AI to create conversations with those who have died; Chinese robots run at an Olympic pace; LLM's fail history exams; open your wallet wide to buy a robotic AI girlfriend; a trillion bits of information feed an algorithm that learns in real time; robots convince other robots to change what they do; a review of what's ahead with humanoid robots; robots learn to dance like humans.

Now on to other eMusings treats:

Michele Fletcher's rhythmic, moody abstractions; elegantly lush images based on Brazalian culture from Tarsila do Amaral; Scott A. Carter's semi-functional sculptures; the Grand Egyptian Museum has opened its doors; Sally Mann's photographs once again create controversy.


Remember that earlier eMusings and electronic quill articles are archived online for you.


yNot: Our Woman of the Month award for February goes to Ginny Ruffner, creator of exquisite glass pieces.


Don't forget that our outstanding persons are permanently archived on their own page.


More in Ynot: a political deputy in Afghanistan has warned the Taliban to stop denying education to girls and women; young women are twice as likely as young men to get cancer; we learn of a matrilocal Celtic tribe that once thrived in the U.K.; women's basketball teams in the NCAA will finally be paid as much as the men; Japan's top universities alter test scores to keep women out; body-building for women challenges all-male norms in India; Meta allows discriminating comments about nongender or trans individuals and refers to them as "it"; small restaurants are being sued for offering Ladies nights; why female rage is disparaged compared to the fury of men; for the past 100 years men have gained height and weight twice as fast as women; a non-profit organization founded by Ginny Ruffner in Washington State offers financial support for older women artists.


Giraffe's Site of the Month - Sweden's Ice Hotel, like nothing you have ever stayed at.


!Brazen Hussy - Amanda Ba, "The Unabashed Woman".


New Digital Paintings - radical changes are swirling around us. Old definitioms fall, as new species are discovered. What's a bot and what's a me, or when is a tree? Look at "Engendered" and "Allura Obscura", "Down the Road a Bit" and "Giraffe OnFire but Not Burning" (a nod to Dali).


New Blobs - Street Follies, as we add creative design to drab urban streets.


In 3D print news, we will now be adding plant-based nutrition items as well: a software company offers solutions for error prevention and suggestions for converting models into STL; a 3D printed microscope created in less than 3 hours; winners of a food innovation challenge; a 3D printed fungal battery that biodegrades; mycelium breakfast patties at Sprouts Farmers Markets; using gel to upgrade soft robots; a bendable concrete material; chain mail armor inspires 3D printed fabrics and even artificial muscles; "Syntilay" follows Crocs and Yeazy as a shoe novelty except that it is both 3D printed and AI generated; a new program claims to teach AI to think in 3D.


Diversions for Difficult Times:

"The Cook of Castamar", on Netflix, a swash-buckling drama set in an 18th century castle in Madrid, filled wih jealousies, deceits, murders, mayhem, and a tender love story at the same time.

Did you know that species extinction today is happening at a rate of 30 to 120 times more than any point in the last 66 million years? That the Laval School of Architecture in Canada is researching how we relate to other species in a project called "We Almost Started Without You?" That deep sea anglerfish males fuse with females, becoming parasites that provide sperm? The human species is neither impervious to change nor necessarily distinct from other forms of life. These thoughts inspire our creative output and a sense of humble awe at nature's diversity.

I try to praise myself every day for something well done. Why not join me?

Warm regards from your friend the Giraffe.

c. Corinne Whitaker 2025

front page , new paintings, new blobs, new sculpture, painting archives, blob archives, sculpture archives, photography archives, Archiblob archives, image of the month, blob of the month, art headlines, technology news, electronic quill, electronic quill archives, art smart quiz, world art news, eMusings, eMusings archive, readers feast, whitaker on the web, nations one, meet the giraffe, studio map, just desserts, Site of the Month, young at art,

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copyright 2025 Corinne Whitaker