The Empty Bed
To those of you, all over the world, who have lost or are about to lose a loved one, and especially to a very dear friend, I bring these words excerpted from my book, "The Empty Bed".(1)
We search
Together we search
For others
Who came so tremulously
Huge with hope
And left so abruptly
Do you mind if I share
Your vanishing?
Can silence die
Like I?
If so
Where does it go?
Can I go 2
With you?
Aging women have been forced
To occupy less space
Lest they spread truth
On our fragile toasted myths.
The oceans are allowed to roar
Why not I?
But then if I had two billion years
Of wrinkles and tears
I would roar too.
Silence shrouds the rose.
If we shatter the silence
Where do shatters go?
I think I will become silence.
You and I, we come and go
Silence doesn't know
The silence of lost memories subsumes me.
Where do they go?
Go with me.
Wrap yourself in silence
Float in the wind
Of simply being
Without being
What others demand.
Together we will search
Not for shatters or tatters
But for the totality of joy
In the womb of silence
Do not fear the empty bed
For I will wait
Just ahead
In the silence.
c. Corinne Whitaker 2019 - 2024
(1) "The Empty Bed", with a foreword by world-renowned art historian and curator Pratapaditya Pal.
From an online reviewer: "Fabulous book. Whitaker writes about silence, aging and existence, with wisdom that comes with years, yet combines it with a medium of art that is current and fresh. It is this combination that makes the book so outstanding...In an era that "attacks" us with data, taking a pause to process it through outstanding art and thought provoking poetry is a treat."
(2) "Noise in the Machine" points to noise as a qualifier in AI algorithms.
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copyright 2024 Corinne Whitaker