30 years of comments on contemporary art and culture. Several of the early articles are missing due to primitive archiving. Unless otherwise indicated, all articles are authored by Corinne Whitaker and protected by international copyright law.
March, 2025: Goodbye and Hello goodbye March, 2025: Running of the Bulls baditude February, 2025: Shenanigans of the Inanigans shenanigans January, 2025: Nobody Don't Own Nobody nobody December, 2024: Call the Cardiologist cardiologist November, 2024: Butterflies on the Pulse of Infinity infinity October, 2024: Wrinkled Logic wrinkled September, 2024: Rainbow in My Smile smile August, 2024: Soapbox Psychedelics soapbox July, 2024: Orchids, Oceans and Cockroaches orchids July, 2024: Hide and Seek hide July, 2024: The Empty Bed emptybed June, 2024: Negatories and Positations negatories May, 2024: Mutterings mutterings May, 2024: The Nutshell Prophecy prophecy April, 2024: Dancing the Slango dancing March, 2024: The Taming of the New Taming March 1, 2024: The Square Root of Tomorrow Square February, 2024: Pyramids and Pixels pyramids January, 2024: An Unnatural History Museum museum December, 2023: Tangled Roots roots November, 2023: No More No More October, 2023: Caged (B)rats caged September, 2023: Artifitootle Pictata pictata August, 2023: Art Is An Act of Love love July, 2023: When Language Caught the Giggles giggles June, 2023: Bridgerton It Was Not bridgerton May, 2023: "I Was Born in A Coal Plant" coalplant April, 2023: Hot Soup Heaven hotsoupheaven March, 2023: Wits and Glass witsandglass February, 2023: Rabbits, Hats, and Ice Cream Castles castles January, 2023: The Marriage of AI and IQ marriageofaiandiq December, 2022: Artifitootle Impictica tootle November, 2022: Chickamunga Takes a Wild Ride wildride October, 2022: A Stupid Kinda Pub Landlord stupidkinda September, 2022: Futterwacking futterwacking August, 2022: Old Hag oldhag July, 2022: The Absurdical Giraffe absurdical June, 2022: Why is the Silence? whysilence May, 2022: Play Ball playball April, 2022: To A Beach Stone - guest artist Lila Staples Thorsen beachstone March, 2022: How to Write a Book howtowriteabook February, 2022: Nana Karobi Ya Oki nanakarobiyaoki January, 2022: Two Lip Rings Looked Like Fangs twoliprings December, 2021: Are We Mud Luscious? mudluscious November, 2021: Bride and Gloom brideandgloom October, 2021: I Squashed A Fly squashedfly September, 2021: i.i.Sublime sublime August, 2021: Walking the Parakeet Once Again parakeetredux July, 2021: Holy Cow! cow June, 2021: The Mutant Enzyme mutantenzyme May, 2021: the day AND died thedayANDdied April, 2021: Crooked Head and the DadaDodo crookedhead March, 2021: Said the Lion to the Bear lionbear February, 2021: Lest We Forget lestweforget January, 2021: Out There. Where? wherethere December, 2020: Would Artichokes Choose to be Thoroughbreds? artichokes November, 2020: I Speak Thunder thunder October, 2020: Review of "Bully Bully Bang Bang" review September, 2020: Gimme Gotcha gimmegotcha August, 2020: Plucking Chickens chickens July, 2020: An Unexpected Gift unexpected June, 2020: The Squashed Frog squashedfrog May, 2020: Rip Van Winklefeather winklefeather April, 2020: The Toy Box toybox March, 2020: The Lion, the Gorilla, and the Bear bear February, 2020: Caviar for the Mind caviar January, 2020: The Portrait portrait December, 2019: Krepildockerschpe Meets the Fulfulde krepildockerschpe November, 2019: A.I. and I AI October, 2019: GIBBERISH dOT uNCOM gibberish September, 2019: Language as Cultural Control - guest author Ruth Waters language August, 2019: Garden of Knowing knowing July, 2019: Are We Erased? arewe June, 2019: If We Are Erased, volume V erased5 May, 2019: If We Are Erased, volume 1 erased1 April, 2019: Once Upon a Kaching kaching March, 2019: AI and IQ AI February, 2019: Shhh shhh January, 2019: Two Wolves and a Sheep twowolves December, 2018: Heavy Weighs the Silence heavy November, 2018: Goddess of Iniquity goddessofiniquity October, 2018: Jjfhdu Eyfbndkf jjfhdueyfbndkf September, 2018: Whiten Your Face and Darken Your Soul WhitenandDarken August, 2018: Nakba nakba July, 2018: The Artist and the Cherry Tree cherrytree June, 2018: I'm Glad I'm Not a Rhino rhino May, 2018: AND and April, 2018: Broken Melodies broken March, 2018: Broccoli Glue and You broccoliglue February, 2018: "Scorched, Bare, and Vulnerable" scorched February, 2018: "We Don't Forgive. We Don't Forget" guest author Ruth Waters guest January, 2018: "A Tale of Gold Buttons" goldbuttons December, 2017: "I Am Sorry, My Brother" sorry November, 2017: Waiting waiting October, 2017: Please ... Tell Me I'm Wrong wrong September, 2017: Outside My Window outside August, 2017: Bundespräsidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung longaustrianword July, 2017: Last Night I Dreamt... dreamt June, 2017: Mi Casa es Su Casa micasa May, 2017: Idlib Cradle Song idlib April, 2017: Ice Cream or Jelly Beans jellybeans March, 2017: Alphabet Stew alphabetstew February, 2017: It's About Time itsabouttime January, 2017: Uncle Dunkleosteus uncledunkleosteus December, 2016: Aerobrigedoros aerobrigedoros November, 2016: Ploffskin, Pluffskin ploffskin October, 2016: Squirming Heads and Torsos (Dave McGuinness) squirming September, 2016: Hands Off! handsoff August, 2016: "Sir, Why Did You Shoot Me?" shootme July, 2016: Time Out timeout June, 2016: Ink Stains inkstains May, 2016: The Butcher Shop butcher April, 2016: Forklifting forklifting March, 2016: Itching for Peace itching February, 2016: The XX Dilemma dilemma January, 2016: Dear NASA, Love, Corinne nasa December, 2015: Something Crumbing There Is crumbling November, 2015: Even Adams Cringe cringe October, 2015: The Umauls umauls September, 2015: I Love You Chickamunga chickamunga August, 2015: Resting by the Tumtum Tree tumtum July, 2015: Silent Night silentnight June, 2015: No Rules norules May, 2015: I Byte byte April, 2015: The Flip Side of Paradise flip March, 2015: The Fiction of You. The Lie of Me. lie February,2015: Fear on Toast fear January, 2015: "Your Offspring has Sprung" offspring December, 2014: "The Lion, the Gorilla, and the Bear" lion November, 2014: "Saddle the Hell Up!" saddle October, 2014: No Am. Be! no am.be September, 2014: Blind Date blinddate August, 2014: The Tickle Man tickle June, 2014: Pink Slips pinkslips May, 2014: Walking the Parakeet parakeet April, 2014: Hustle, Bustle and Muscle hustle March, 2014: WHOMP! whomp February, 2014: Boogie Woogie Woman boogie January, 2014: Pretty Me Not prettymenot December, 2013: Just Around the Corner aroundthecorner November, 2013: Burn Baby Burn! burnburnbabyburn October, 2013: Dear John, Ben, and Thomas dearjohn August/September, 2013: Let Them Eat...Bus Fare? busfare July, 2013: The Fear Follicle follicle June, 2013: The Book of Love bookoflove May, 2013: A Chicken in Every Pox pox April, 2013: Free to Flee freetoflee March, 2013: I Love You Chickamunga chickamunga February, 2013:Her Name Was Sara Lubin saralubin January, 2013: Disconnected disconnected December, 2012: yteedy qotal yteedy November, 2012: Fat Lazy Bees bees August, 2012: Eighty-Two eighty-two July, 2012: Perhaps perhaps June, 2012: Butterflies in Combat Boots boots May, 2012: He Called Me Punk-A-Bunk punk April, 2012: Agamemnon Yawns agamemnon March, 2012: Ferragallo on "No More War" ferragallo February, 2012: the Rapa Nui Redux rapanui January, 2012: Lickety Split licketysplit December, 2011: Big Beautiful Woman bbw November, 2011: I. R. Mutt mutt October, 2011: The Purple Carrot World purple September, 2011: My Word! myword August, 2011: The Underwear Itch underwear July, 2011: Bill Me Bill You bill June, 2011: At the Intersection of Oblivion and Sauerkraut sauerkraut May, 2011: The Marshmallow in the Microwave marshmallow April, 2011: Plucking Chickens plucking February, 2011: The Birthing Day birthing January, 2011: How Ducky ducky December, 2010: Sprinkle Sprinkle sprinkle November, 2010: Don't You Boys Fret fret October, 2010: Baba Yaga Speaks baba September, 2010: Long Live the Crankies! crankies August, 2010: "Nicht Wahr?" nicht July, 2010: Stephen and the Willow stephen June, 2010: @4 @4 May, 2010: Sex and the Patent Leather Sandals sandals April, 2010: A Curator Speaks - Dr. Pratap Pal pratap March, 2010: The Empress of Armpits armpits February, 2010: Skulduggery skulduggery January, 2010: Sam, You Made the Universe Too Long sam December, 2009: The Lion, The Gorilla, and The Bear lion November, 2009: Viva La Bomba! labomba October,2009: Hey, Listen! heylisten September, 2009: The X Factor x August, 2009: "Butter is a Vegetable" butter July, 2009: Wield or Yield wield June, 2009: Pentimenti pentimenti May, 2009: Winnie the Pumpernickel pumpernickel April, 2009: Black Holes, White Earth holes March, 2009: Bumping into God bumping February, 2009: How to Play the Trombone trombone January, 2009: "Grumblers and Fumblers" fumblers December, 2008: Helen of Wasilla wasilla November, 2008: Through the No's no's October, 2008: Goin' Fishing goinfishing September, 2008: Cents and Nonsense cents August, 2008: IoBioSynthoGeo iobio July, 2008: Naalagiaqvik naalagiaqvik June, 2008: The Itsy Bitsy itsybitsy May, 2008: Have You Roared Lately? roared April, 2008: Fictionaries fictionaries March, 2008: Eat Oranges... oranges February, 2008: Butterflies of the Sea butterflies January, 2008: The Why of I why December, 2007: XS xs November, 2007: Othering othering October, 2007: Ain't Misbehavin', Much misbehavin September, 2007:"Patterns, Space and Time"(Trudy Myrrh Reagan) patterns July/August, 2007: "Complified and Simplicated" complified June, 2007: Washington on the Euphrates euphrates May, 2007: The Uglification of the Absurd absurd April, 2007: A Mind of One's Own mind March, 2007: Barbie in the Statehouse barbie February, 2007: "One Day You'll Be A Pasha" pasha January, 2007: Bitter Memories bitter December, 2006: Saving Fishes fishes November, 2006: "NOK" nok October, 2006: Fire this Congress (Keith Frohreich) fire September, 2006: Stop Looking at my Va J J looking August, 2006: Skinny Sticks and Knobby Bones skinny July, 2006: Candy Bars and Mars candy June, 2006: Sexing the Poet sexing May, 2006: "Snip Snip Chop Chop" chop April, 2006: "Two Wolves and a Sheep" wolves March, 2006: Trashing New Orleans (Frohreich) neworleans February, 2006: The Jesus Blob jesus January, 2006: Superman has Warts superman.html December, 2005:Hark Hark the Ark hark November, 2005: The Twisted Tree twisted October, 2005: Words Words Words wordswordswords September, 2005: The Most Terrible Wigglish wigglish August, 2005: The Intense Inane inane July, 2005: Kinquering Congs congs June, 2005: Ditto in the Void ditto May, 2005: The Whirling World whirling April, 2005: Shatter Me Not shatter March, 2005: The Man in the Grey Flannel Beard flannel February, 2005: The Whore in the Door whore January, 2005: From the Heart blueroom December, 2004: Mid-Munch and Splatter mid-munch November, 2004: Elephanatics and Donkalunatics elephanatics October, 2004: Genghis Khant khant September, 2004: The Snicker Dome snicker August, 2004: The Big Rip or The Big Rip-Off? rip July, 2004: Hippocrates and Me hippocrates June, 2004: By George! george May, 2004: You're Fired (Frohreich) fired April, 2004: "Thunderclouds and Rainbows" rainbows March, 2004: "The Guggle and the Zatch" guggleandzatch February, 2004: "Bullyswagger" bullyswagger January, 2004: "Bench Mark" benchmark December,2003:"Naked Hyperbole" naked November,2003:"A One-way Ticket to Gondwanaland" gondwanaland October, 2003: "The Gucci God" gucci September, 2003: "Rapped in Shrapnel" shrapnel August, 2003: "Sex and the Biosphere" sex July, 2003: "Cocking a Snook" snook June, 2003: "Synesthesia" (Zakia) synesthesia May, 2003: "i g2g" g2g April, 2003: "Anticipation" anticipation April, 2003: "Me Thinketh That Stinketh" stinketh March, 2003: "The Death of Missile Mulch" mulch February, 2003: "Lipstick On A Pig" lipstick January, 2003: "A Bend in the Road" bend December, 2002: "Tu Mutch" mutch November, 2002: "Burn Baby Burn!" burn October, 2002: "Come Run With Me" run September, 2002: "It Was 1934" 1934 August, 2002: "The Greeding of America" (Frohreich) greeding July, 2002: "Once Upon a Family" family June, 2002: "B.S. I Love You" bs June, 2002: You Are Fiction. I Am A Lie. fiction May, 2002: A Father's Letter (Gessert) letter May, 2002: Undercovered (Gessert) undercovered April, 2002: DuChampin' at the Bit duchamp March, 2002: One Shirt, Three Footballs football February, 2002: The Tango of Discontent tango January, 2002: Lost Toes toes December, 2001: Words My Mother Never Taught Me words November, 2001: Has Anyone Seen Delilah? delilah October, 2001: The Psychology of Speculation stocks September, 2001: He Called it Beautiful beautiful August, 2001: The Conchoid of de Sluze conchoid July, 2001: I Met A Little Girl girl June, 2001: The Ethics of Change change May, 2001: Body Language body April, 2001: Clueless clueless March, 2001: Mighty Mouse Turns the Corner corner February, 2001: Blob Babies, Our Babies? blob January, 2001: Where Are You, Thomas Jefferson? jefferson December, 2000: Red Light, Green Light - The Biogene Traffic Jam biogene November, 2000:Takin' Out the Trash trash October, 2000: A Curator's Voice (Prescott) curator September, 2000: Potatoes, Boxing Gloves, and Nanotechnology(Merkle) potatoes August, 2000: Art in the Fourth Dimension fourth July, 2000: Down the Digital Drain (Brill) drain June, 2000: Socio-Tectonics (Guisinger) socio May, 2000: Quoth the Raven . . . raven April, 2000: Placebos, Pygmalion, and People Power(Guisinger) mentor March, 2000: 370 Million Years Ago (Allman) years Feb, 2000: K.I.S.S. kiss Jan, 2000: "Opsicles" ops Dec, 1999: Alpha Beta Soup alpha Nov, 1999: Gunga Dung gunga Oct. 1999: Tiny Miracles tiny Sept. 1999: Song of the Open Mind song Aug, 1999: Who's Ashamed of the Big Bad Wolf? wolf July, 1999: The Bunion Tree bunion June, 1999: Somewhere I Gallop gallop May, 1999: Searching the Web search April, 1999: Grains of Food, Specks of Dust grains March, 1999: That Everlovin' Itch! itch Feb, 1999: The Heart of the Matter heart Jan, 1999: Ouch! ouch Dec, 1998: King's Head, Queen's Tail queen Nov, 1998: Pass the Cellophane Please cell Oct, 1998: Diary of a Moth diary Sept, 1998: Why is the Silence? silence Aug, 1998: You Are A Window, I Have No Door door July, 1998:The Homosaurs homo May, 1998: The Once and Future Grope (text only) grope April, 1998: Hang Up the Oceans to Dry hang March, 1998:Peek-A-Boo Art (Richard Zakia) peek Feb, 1998: An Architectural Notion of Web Space (Jerrold Maddox) arch Jan, 1998: The Wild Wild Synapse wild Dec, 1997: The Civilization of Illiteracy (Mihai Nadin) civ Nov, 1997: The You That Has No Place place Oct, 1997: Polly Want A Sun Chip? polly Sept, 1997: Art It's Not not Aug, 1997: The Neoliths neo July, 1997: "dwwdfn.dw.gdzq" dww June, 1997: The Cistern Chapel cistern May, 1997: Toward A Feminist Visual Culture (Susan Ressler) culture April, 1997: Ticking, Ticking tick March, 1997: The Platelets of Desire desire Feb, 1997: A Bark in the Dark (text only) bark Jan, 1997: When Intimacy Means Don't Touch (text only) touch Dec, 1996: The Once and Splintered World world Nov, 1996: The Art/Craft Dilemma craft Oct, 1996: Trademarks, Copyrights and Security on the Internet (Briggs) net Sept, 1996: The Tree That Ansel Never Saw tree Aug, 1996: Nobody Don't Own Nobody nobody July, 1996: Hamlet Doesn't Live Here Anymore hamlet June, 1996: The Ultimate Immigrants ultimate May, 1996: The Crush of a Human Shoe crush April, 1996: Space Craft space March, 1996: Midi: What's the Big Deal? (Ed West) midi Feb, 1996: Sign It, Mr. President(John Blower) sign Dec. 1995: After the Camera's Eye eye Nov, 1995: Soft Hardcopy (Eleanor Kent) soft Sept, 1995: Heat (Rochelle Cashdan) and Daheshism (Mario Chakkour) heat July, 1995: Big City Beat city June, 1995: Eskaloop loop
Last updated March 1, 2024 - 30 years of monthly Web publication
Corinne Whitaker - Artist, Editor, Author, Poet, Sculptor, Publisher, Composer, Betaphysician, Chief of the Newanderthal Tribe
Best of Foster City 2016
Best of Palo Alto 2013

Golden Web Award, 2001 and 2000
Artist of the Month, Artisan Bazaar, 2000

Best in Cyberart Award, 1999

winner of BATech's "Catch of the Day"
winner of Fractal Design's "Artist of the Month"and "Image of the Day"
Featured Master Artist, Shadowart Galleries, 1997 and 1998
Guest Artist of the Month, Hampton Click Salon Online
Exhibit below from Virtual Gallery online
Best of Palo Alto 2013
Golden Web Award, 2001 and 2000
Artist of the Month, Artisan Bazaar, 2000

Best in Cyberart Award, 1999