Four years ago, I began a series of five volumes on the topic of whether the human species would be erased, and if so by what. Volume One was subtitled "A Catalog of Imaginary Creatures". In light of the ever-increasing dialogue about what A.I. is doing to us, and whether it will eventually eliminate us entirely, I bring you here the libretto of Volume One. In the book it is followed by provocative CAD images of what might replace us.
I knocked on tomorrow's door
But it wouldn't let me in.
So I made up my own tomorrow
With creatures that don't fart
Don't wet their beds
Don't throw up over Mars.
As the borders between living and nonliving begin to dissolve
I imagine a species
That might exist
In the synapses of consciousness
Self-replicating forms
That might not recognize us as their ancestors.
And might not want to.
If we are erased
What will follow?
Meet your new neighbors
Quite possibly you will not be around to greet them
Nor will I.
If we are erased.
c. Corinne Whitaker 2015 - 2019
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