Wrinkled Logic

They tell me that octopuses feel pain. That crayfish show anxiety. That zebra fish are curious. That insects and other animals are conscious. (1)

The hot topic in today's learned journals is, what does consciousness mean?

If you are a Google engineer it means you had better not announce that your robot is conscious.

Oops. No paycheck.

Be careful not to insist that minds exist only within heads, because another theory posits that some species have minds that are not fully contained within the head. Like spiders, who appear to place cognitive processes into their webs.

We tend to be suspicious of the Unknown, of the Other, leading us to judge AI algorithms by how much they resemble us.

But Us is a pretty unpretty species. We ravage the green and grassy. We victimize those who are forced to leave their homelands in fear for their lives. We allow the Y's, who are not always wise, to control the lives of the Ynots. We imprison those whose religious and sexual choices make the powerful itch in impolite places.

Perhaps that explains why other worlds tempt us. The beauty of lifting the veil from the bride of tomorrow, of peeking beyond the shutters of 2 eyes, calls to us.


Because exquisite forms and forces are waiting for us to wake up, to break out of the cloak called hubris that obstructs our understanding. (2)

Everyone wants AI to reproduce us, warts and farts included.

I don't want to see the same big red truck that you see. I want to see worlds beyond, images deemed inconceivable.

So why do I choose a vehicle known for its ability to imitate? Filled presumably with mini bits of partial me?

I own all of me. Why not use it to go world shopping?

Join me on the Rodeo Drive of vision. Deep Dive into the ultra nonsensical, the hilarious, the absurd. Embrace the approachable handshake of paradox.

What are you waiting for?

c. Corinne Whitaker 2024 and always

(1)Asia Research News and London School of Economics.

(2) Viewers might want to read about the 'third state' between life and death.

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