Artifitootle Impictica
I hear a roar of distress
Sweeping the globe
Fury berserked (1)
Hope bleeding.
"Bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night"
That.......we are no longer there.
We are being smothered by NOISE
Bombarding our senses
Crunching our gut
Choking us in clogged peanut butter sounds
We are so gob-smacked with noise
That we no longer hear messages.
We yearn for silence, for a calming nothingness.
Physics tells us that there are many kinds of nothing
"an infinite number of ways
that Nothingness could kill us all" (2)
Annihilation seems imminent
Now comes an additional tsunami of noise
Some call it Artificial Intelligence, or A.I.
I call it Artifitootle Impictica.
From my previous voyages into A.I. lyrics,(3) music composition,(4) and paintings
I now venture into images made from words.
Tootle, I said (for we are on a first-name basis), picture "noise".
How about "many kinds of nothing"?
Or "Infinite Silence"?
Now let's remove the crutches of grammar. Show me how you see "fkptoru rkyjpfyp".
What does "Corinne Whitaker" look like to you?
(At 88? This noise is getting interesting.)
Before I could flutter my lashes
Or finish writing this article
Tootle was already turning words
Into videos.
I used to feel like a book, writing myself.
Who is writing me now?
Who is about to rewrite you?
Invite you
Into billions of splinters bursting in air?
It doesn't matter who pushes the red button
For you will not be there
To care. (5)
c. Corinne Whitaker 2022
(1) Riot in Bristol
(2) The New Yorker magazine.
(3) Lyrics written using A.I.
(4) Music composed using A.I.
(5) Quoting Richard Falk: "War-mongering geopolitics in the nuclear age imperils species survival and suppresses the necessity for emergency action to restore sustainable forms of ecological habitability to planet earth."
All of the images in this article were created in algorithms that turn words into images.
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copyright 2009 Corinne Whitaker