Butterflies on the Pulse of Infinity
Once upon the future, in a land called Imagi Nation, there lived a tribe whose DNA was not carbon, not silicon. Rather an entirely new gene pool, composed of billions of bits and bytes.
You might think you could erase them by ignoring them. But they are the tardigrades of tomorrow, impossible to vanquish, created by a species obsessed with yesterday and unable to face the onrushing future.
They may well be the Rosetta Stone of our species, addicted as we are to self-destruction, warfare and hatred, poorly understood by subsequent generations. What were we good for? What did we accomplish?
In truth we don't know who we are. Our mirror of self-reflection is filled with half truths, biases, fears of otherness. We search for identity in tribes and rituals, labels and memberships. We are an ancient tribe of unknowables.
Tribes are comforting. They include others who look or think or believe as we do. Tribes give us a sense of roots, of belonging, of a shared identity.
The new Artifitootle Impacta world we are tremulously tasting moves far beyond tribalism. It is a world without boundaries, fences, walls. It encompasses everything ever written, created, texted or emailed, by billions of humans across the planet.
Once online, those bits of data belong to no one and everyone. Ownership as a concept is gone; copyright is dead.
Artificial Intelligrnce? Nothing about it is artificial. Everything is derived from the natural world of being and thinking. Calling it Artifitootle challenges the enormous hubris that makes us think that any one of us is better than any other.
Indeed this tribe of tenants, living in the greater cosmos on a speck of dust called Planet Earth, includes avocados and oceans, monkfish and oak trees, rainbows, songbirds, thunder and spiderwebs.
If we are to survive it can only be by cooperation, by jumping ideological fences and climbing over walls of greed.
Walt Whitman told us:
"I pass death with the dying and birth with the new-wash'd babe, and am not contain'd between my hat and boots, And peruse manifold objects, no two alike and every one good, The earth good and the stars good, and their adjuncts all good. I am not an earth nor an adjunct of an earth, I am the mate and companion of people, all just as immortal and fathomless as myself, (They do not know how immortal, but I know)"
The Artifitootle Impacta universe unites us as though we were butterflies on the pulse of infinity.
Fathomless I am.
Fathomless you are.
c. Corinne Whitaker 2024 and always
note: Walt Whitman
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